PMV vs porn compilation: What’s the difference?

A PMV and a porn compilation can be very similar and still have a difference. While they are both usually short and contain mashed clips of porn videos, they are still not the same. To explain what sets one apart from the other, it’s time for a small breakdown.
In this article, you will learn about the difference between a pmv and a porn compilation through a few number of steps. First, you get to know what they both are. After that, it’s time to point out where they are and aren’t alike. And finally, it’s time to give some examples to make this as clear as possible.
About PMVs and compilations
Let’s begin by telling about a porn compilation. This is probably the easiest thing to do, since there’s a high chance you’ve seen one. A compilation video is one where old material has been chopped into pieces and put together in a new order. You can do this with one or more videos. In this case with porn. To top it off, creators can use music or extra effects (like split screens) to spice their work up. Porn compilation that don’t include music are most often about cumshots.
A PMV on the other hand is a little bit different. PMV stands for Porn Music Video and doesn’t have to be a compilation in itself. Though people commonly use this style, the main focus here lies with the music. This style of compilations is usually where the creative people truly thrive. You can make it as long or short as you want (usually the length of one song) and you usually have more freedom to build your pmv around a theme. Some regular themes from PMV videos revolve around tits, booty, interracial sex and even gooning.
What’s the difference between a PMV and a porn compilation?
So what’s the exactly the difference between a PMV and a porn compilation? Well, the main difference is about the usage of music. To stay true to the nature of a PMV, this is a necessity. With porn compilation, this is nice to have, but not a must.
Another part is having different pieces of porn videos put together. A PMV (while almost never published like that) doesn’t have to put different parts together. In theory, it can be one long take with music and maybe some extra features. However, a porn compilation needs to use different parts of videos to actually be a compilation.
Does this mean that the main difference is that every PMV is a porn compilation, but not every compilation a PMV? Practically, this can be the case. But as stated earlier, people can get as crazy with a PMV as they want.
Legal issues and examples
Most professional porn companies choose (if they make them at all) to produce compilations, instead of a PMV. This has to do with legal issues. If you don’t own the rights to a song, your video can easily be claimed due to copyright. They can use music that has no rights, but that doesn’t always pair well with porn.
One of the companies that uploads their own porn compilations on Pornhub, is Bangbros. The have a small section on their channel, called ‘Battle Of The GOATs’. Fans often make PMVs, which they upload on tube sites. They don’t take copyright into consideration, with the risk of their work being deleted.